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THIS IS WHY I WON'T MARRY YOU"Marriage is in trouble and, however desirable, will be difficult to restore. But we can at least ensure that casual relationships outside of marriage don’t produce children before their biological parents are ready to take on one of the most difficult social tasks any of us ever undertakes: raising a child. Accidents happen; a child shouldn’t be one of them.
Half of all children born to women under 30 are born out of wedlock. The proportion is even higher among those without a college degree." Isabel Sawhill THIS IS WHY I WON'T MARRY YOU... Said to be one of the most unbiased, objective, practical, and pragmatic books on male & female relationships in the last 20 years. If you're a man, you and the fellas will love the book. If you're a woman you and your girlfriends will make this book the topic of discussion for many weekends to come. SoSoActive.com says, "This is Armani Valentino's BEST WORK! He definitely has a #1 Bestseller with this one!" Jerra Mitchell says, "Your new book is amazing!! I was on the train to Chicago this morning, and I almost missed my exit because I was so engrossed in the book (lol)! I'm not done reading it yet, but so far, my two favorite chapters are 3 & 6. Great work!" Anju says, "I'm not a reader, but I loved the way the book looked, so I picked it up and I couldn't put it down. Armani, I told your sister, you are speaking actual facts. The real deal. I have to get the book as soon as it goes on sale." |
99 Questions You Must Ask a Man Before Sleeping w/ Him & Definitely Before Having SEX - National Bestseller, Amazon.com International BestsellerThe great author and lecturer Napoleon Hill taught that one of the main causes of failure in life was IMPROPER SELECTION OF A MATE IN MARRIAGE.
Would you believe a man who grew up the only male in a household full of women, has probably written one of the best (if not the best) books on dating for single people, and definitely for single ladies looking to find the right mate? Well, Armani Valentino’s national bestselling book, 99 Questions You Must Ask a Man Before Sleeping with Him & Definitely Before Having SEX, just might be that book. It is a practical straight forward guide that will leave you enlightened on all levels. The book covers every area of what could possibly come up in a relationship. Big Boom, Steve Harvey's best friend and Bodyguard, bestselling author and the self-proclaimed “Bodyguard for Women’s Heart’s” says, “Armani is right on point. His generation and others need this book.” Armani Valentino believes that his book is a great tool for those wanting to be in a relationship and for those already involved. He says, “Most of the time people don’t really know what to ask. Many people like to avoid asking questions for fear of finding out something they don’t want to know. The sad part about this is, STD’s are on the rise. Even if you don’t contract an STD, you may get involved with a total basket case that might abuse you emotionally and physically. These things along with so many other possibilities are usually due to not asking enough of the right questions before you get emotionally and sexually involved.” Some women feel that the man will lie to them anyway. Therefore, Mr. Valentino has included his chapter, “The Art of Asking Questions.” This chapter teaches you how to become an interview expert . Fortune 500 companies use this to process to choose the best candidates. Armani feels that women should treat themselves as if they are Fortune 500 companies. Armani Valentino says, “My book is a spiritually based book that all people can benefit from in some way. No matter if you are single, dating, engaged, and even married. You will find something in the book that will enrich your life or others around you.” He also says, “The non-physical side of SEX is something that we need to talk more openly about. I think my book helps individuals to do this. That’s why Chapter 4 of the book is probably my favorite. Chapter 4 is “Love & SEX...The Two Most Powerful Energies and How Not to Get the Two Confused.” The National Best-seller, "99 Questions," written by one of the nation's premiere dating/relationship experts, Armani Valentino, is now available in all eBook formats. This book has helped thousands get a better understanding of the person that is pursuing them or the one that they are pursuing. Many women and men, both young and seasoned, have purchased numerous copies of this book for themselves or a loved one. Everyone knows someone that can benefit from this book. Armani Valentino says, "Most of the time we think we know what to ask before getting involved with someone. Although we probably do, we don't have that information in-front of us in a manner like this when we need it. Therefore, my book acts a reference guide to help in the process. It's kind of like dating insurance." |
Getting Your Man to Do What You Want: 6 Tips for Women that Want to Fully Enjoy Their Relationships (NEW)A short and straight to the point book that you will enjoy and get a lot from in a very concise manner.
Women and men are different. I am a man, that knows men, but I also grew up with women. In the last 5 years I have met over 100,000 women. I've had thousands of conversations and realized that with just a few adjustments and skills being reinforced, a woman in a relationship with a man that is committed to her, can get him to do just about anything for her. In this short Book, I give you 6 Tips that are sure to help you! |
#1 Amazon.com Bestseller, Amazon.com International Besteller - The Love Triangle: How to Heal from a Broken Heart (Hurt, Shame, Bitterness, & Betrayal)It is my intent to help you heal from a "broken heart." A broken heart can be devastating. It can cause one to lose the desire to live. It can also cause lack of ambition, loss of or increase in appetite, and numerous other destructive behaviors. Hopefully, the words that are on the pages in this book will be just the guide that you are looking for to help you heal from your broken heart. This book was actually supposed to be out before now, but I was distracted once I started writing and producing my first play. However, for my own life, the completing of this book was right on time. Why do I say that? While much of the book was written on experiences from the distant past, after going back to complete the book, my more recent broken heart was actually healed from this process once again. So, does it work? I would have to say, Yes! No matter how dark things may seem in your life, things will turn for the better if you change the focus. Learn from all and appreciate all that you have experienced in your life.
Claim the INCREASE How to start where you are with what you have to achieve above average results.
The book will teach you exactly Why You Haven't Mastered the Law of Attraction and how to get more of what you want and actually want what you get when you get it.
The one book that anyone can understand and use to get better results in a more precise and scientific manner.
About 3 years ago I asked THE MOST HIGH to give me a phrase to write in every book that I autographed. "Claim the INCREASE" was the phrase that was given to me!
Claim the INCREASE is a WORK-BOOK that I came up with to help anyone have more success, and get past their limiting beliefs! IF THEY DO what's in this book, they won't have a problem reaching their desires. "CLAIM the INCREASE" in order to become SUCCESSFUL.
The phrase, was very inspiring to me. I noticed that when I first started autographing people's books, sometime's I would only put "CLAIM the INCREASE" in a certain individual's book and not their companion's. When they would walk away and see that it had been put in a friend's book and not their's, they would turn around and ask that I WRITE "Claim the INCREASE" in their book as well. This was confirmation of what had been GIVEN to me just because I ASKED.
Claim the INCREASE is a no-fail system that I have put together on how to guarantee success in anything that you do! It has worked for me and many others. Anytime that I don't use this process, I FAILED! NOW, I KNOW THAT SUCCESS IN WHATEVER I DO IS GUARANTEED.
I will also show how and why you must not only have MOTIVATION, BUT...INSPIRATION in order to have SUCCESS! AND...how to DEVELOP BOTH!
ORDER YOUR WORKBOOK TODAY!!! IT WILL BE ONE OF THE BEST INVESTMENTS YOU MAKE IN YOURSELF! Also includes a 20 MINUTE consultation by phone to help you write the Vision for what you WANT!
If You Want to Lose Weight Don't Listen Don't Listen to Your FAT Friends I wrote this short book to help 4 women I love very much with their weight; My mother, two sisters, and a special young lady! I did this because at times, discussing weight verbally with anyone can turn into a big issue. So, out of my love for them I wrote the book.
I personally knew that if what I wrote in the book was put into practice, the person(s) could only SUCCEED. Needless to say, I only promoted the book very briefly. Why is that? I felt that the individuals I wrote the book for and the general population didn't really care about their health as much as they talked about they did. However, after this news from my sister, I am back with this one. Good health is probably the most important thing in the world. I know the value of it first hand. Well, around the time I finished the book, my 32 year old sister had recently been put on insulin for type 2 diabetes. I encouraged her to read the book and follow what was in there as best as she possibly could. At first she didn't. She only read the book as most people do with books. Then, I saw her at work earlier this year like January, and she was reading the book at work and actually studying what was in there. Needless to say, last weekend, she got on the scale and had lost over 20 pounds since she started earlier this year! She was excited! She had some clothes in her closet that she ran in her room to put on. She could fit a size that she hadn't worn in years. While losing the weight and dropping two dress sizes this year has been exciting and motivating for her; nothing is more exciting as the fact that she is doing much better and is not taking insulin shots like she was before. So, I am really loving this and wanted to share this with all of you! If you or someone you know can benefit from the book, PLEASE contact me and order the book! It can make a big difference! The interesting thing is, what's in this book helped my college roommate lose around 70 pounds in about 10 months. He has been able to keep the weight off for 5 years now, and as he says, "Preserve his SEXY!" :-) So, it actually works if you follow what is in the book! And...I am selling it for only $7.00. Get it for someone even if you don't need it yourself. You never know who you may help! |
Why Do We Hurt Each Other? & How Do We Get Back 2 Love? In his third book on relationships, National Best-Selling Author, Armani Valentino takes on a very real issue and the challenges involved in producing more healthy relationships.
In the same straight forward, right to the point manner, Valentino leaves no stone unturned as he gives the reader 12 MAIN REASONS why they hurt the other person, and 36 REAL ways to GET BACK 2 LOVE. Armani says, "Most of the time, both parties are wanting their needs met, and are using the other person as the excuse for why their needs aren't being met. This keeps the relationship at a stand still. As a matter of fact, it doesn't even do that. It actually damages the relationship daily when both parties are doing this." In this sure to be best-seller, both men & women alike will be able to relate and get down to the core of the issues and be able to focus on the solutions; all while understanding that both parties will have to do their part. Armani Valentino also says, "Both men are women are talking. However, nobody is being heard. For this reason, we seem to keep hurting one another; accidentally & on purpose. How do you get back to the love you once had or better, once you've offended one another & seem to have lost the passion in the relationship? How do you really start over? Can you? or is it finally over? And if so, will the same things go on in the next relationship?" "INVEST IN YOUR RELATIONSHIP! It's worth it!" ~Armani Valentino |
The Power of ForgivenessLack of Forgiveness causes one to never reach their full-potential in life. Why? All things are energy including thoughts. The thoughts that you have that cause you to keep someone captive in your mind, cloud the space with energy that isn't productive. Therefore, all of your energies are mixed with good and evil. And...in order to be really effective, you can't ride the fence. FOR-GIVE and let the captives go free so that the MOST HIGH can GIVE you ALL that he has FOR you! This is Part 1 of a series I have entitled "Unlimited POWER." I believe that we are all endowed with the seeds of GREATNESS from conception in our mother's womb. However, from living life, situations and circumstances sometimes take a toll on our effectiveness and steal our POWER. Without Power, personal power, we are deemed to suffer day after day in mediocrity, never tapping into our POWER. The series will cover blocks, such as unforgiveness, that hold us from our destiny! We ALL have a PURPOSE, but without POWER, our PURPOSE will never be met. As usual, I use scriptures from multiple cultures, religions, and regions around the world to speak to the reader that has a world view and an open mind. Follow the words on the pages of this series, and I guarantee that you will be a PURPOSE & POWER filled renewed individual.
http://www.amazon.com/Power-Forgiveness-Quickly-Forgive-Purpose/dp/1479287687/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1419042915&sr=8-2&keywords=the+power+of+forgiveness+armani+valentino |
Take A Loss 2 WinTake A Loss 2 Win, an exciting real-life account of a young fashion mogul’s journey of becoming a man, while following his passion and chasing his dreams. What he didn’t know was life happens, and sometimes, you don’t have control of what comes your way; Stealing, drug dealing, prison, joblessness, homelessness, and so much more!
Can you go through the ups and downs of life without letting it crush your dreams and destroy your destiny? Can you Take A Loss 2 Win?
CRABOLOGYAre you tired of others pulling you down every time you seem to move ahead? Have you been experiencing negativity from others for no reason?
This book is about humanity and our interactions with others. It brings to light the attitudes that hinder our individual and collective progress. It offers insight into how to overcome the negative forces that hinder our progress.
Crabology is a game changers opportunity to foster great success with themselves and others.