Relationship Advice of the Day: One of the quickest ways to start looking old, gain unhealthy amounts of weight, and develop high blood pressure and other issues...
STAY IN AN UNHEALTHY RELATIONSHIP, of any kind! Relationships bring you into close proximity with people. Energy is contagious, and therefore, negative mindsets, thought processes, and habits are as well. There is nothing worse than being IN a relationship but still being alone and feeling unloved by the individual(s) with whom you're involved. This causes depression, self-esteem issues, and often feelings of not being good enough. These thoughts have to be expressed outwardly, and often show up in the form of worry, sadness, and broken-heartedness. All of which show up in multiple forms of DIS-ease. Your overall health is most important. So, make the needed adjustments that create a healthy relationship, and be committed to learning the tools needed to be the best version of yourself in a relationship(s). Depression, and lack of love primarily expressed through the lack physical touch and words of affirmation, are closely related. So, when you're in a relationship where you are not included and not affirmed, unless that relationship grows, the both of you will continue to slowly kill one another's goals, dreams, and desires. And what is life without faith, love, & hope that your goals, dreams, and desires are not only possible but probable? Until next time... #healthiswealth #relationshipadviceoftheday #dontletnobodykillyourdreams
Advice of the DAY: BE POSITIVE and COUNT YOUR BLESSINGS! Often, when things are not going the way we would like, it can be easy to get discouraged, become negative, and feel like a failure. While this may be the normal thing to do, it actually negatively effects the progress we desire.
One thing I often hear from people is complaints about their JOB, SPOUSE, CAR/HOUSE PAYMENT, etc.! If it's a friend, I remind them, "REMEMBER WHEN YOU DIDN'T HAVE A JOB? Or when you were wanting a spouse? Or when you were walking/on the bus?" It's important to remember to APPRECIATE where you aren't in your life and to TRUST GOD'S PLAN. At the end of last year when things got a little heavy on me financially, because things didn't pan out the way I thought they would, due to my indecision and not enforcing the rental agreements, I started complaining and wanted to give up and sell everything I'd worked for in 2017. A few friends of mine talked to me and came by the house to encourage me. However, because I was in such a negative state of mind and COMPLAINING about what I had asked for not working out the way I thought it should, I couldn't see any other solution. I was now in a state of WOE IS ME! It was not until I had a conversation with someone who told me very specifically, "So because one thing didn't work out, you're just going to sell everything? All of it? You put a lot of work into those houses, Armani! Building wealth is important to you. You sure you want to just sell them all?" Sometimes, when you're in a negative space, YOU HAVE TO BE REMINDED of your original FOCUS and GOALS. What were my original goals? (1.) Transform my community/block and make it safe place to live (2.)Put good tenants in the houses who wanted to help create a sense of community (3.) Create long-term passive residual income through a solid investment vehicle in the event something were to happen. (4.) Create some income/jobs/skills for others in the community who may not otherwise be employable. (5.) Be an example of good to others who may want to do the same. Why must YOU and I be reminded of our GOALS/DREAMS??? Because there was a time when what you have NOW was just an idea, desire, wish, or a dream. And because times will get tough and you will feel as if you aren't going to accomplish it. It's called doubt and it's a trick of that part of your MIND that doesn't like you. So, instead of complaining and submitting to the negative thoughts, BE THANKFUL and know that you're blessed beyond measure, so count your blessings. WRITE THEM DOWN SO YOU CAN SEE THEM! Whatever you're going through it'll help you GROW through and get through it easier and quicker thank complaining will ever do. Until next time... #staypositive #keepthefaith #claimtheincrease #seeyouatthetop #dontletnobodykillyourdreams If you found benefit in this blog, #share it with someone else. Thank you! You can also visit my online store for products/services. Life Advice of the Day DON'T MISS ANOTHER SEASON! Contrary to popular belief, you can miss a blessing. You often hear people preach and teach that what God has for you is for you. While this may be true, whether or not we are in a position to accept and receive our blessing will usually determine IF we get what God has for us. Believe it or not, someone else can get your blessing! When there is a space that needs to be filled, it must be filled. This is the reason Bishop Jakes would always say the words, "Get Ready! Get Ready! Get Ready!" Why? You must prepare yourself to receive what you've been asking God to give you. However, even when we may be ready, sometimes we can miss our season or our blessing because we chose not to receive it when it showed up or we got impatient and chose something else that wasn't ours. Don't get caught doing things out of season. In Miracle Hendrix's book #TakeALoss2Win, he mentioned how he took matters into his own hands and didn't wait on God and made a decision that would alter his life. Had he waited only 3 more days, he wouldn't have lost valuable time that he can never get back. The same with all of us who have lived life long enough to know that if we had the opportunity to know what we know now 10 years ago, there are some things we would have done differently. God has all kinds of blessings waiting on us, but he will not violate our FREE WILL. He gives us that gift for us to use how we see fit. The freedom to choose. While he may try to guide us, during certain seasons of our lives we have ignored the loud and clear signs that were given on which route to take. While all things work together for the good, the choices we make determine the life we live. If the past decisions you have made have not turned out well, it's time to start making better decisions. Otherwise, you'll miss another season. And if you're anything like me, you can't afford to miss any more seasons! One sure way to make sure this doesn't happen is to learn to make better decisions. The better you get at making better decisions, the better decisions you make. Take advantage of the season that you're in. Some people are not going to like the fact that you are trying to make better decisions, but in order for life to get better and for you not to miss anymore seasons, you have to get better. Until next time, I love you all, but The MOST HIGH GOD loves yo more! Armani Valentino --- #staypositive #keepthefaith #noego #nocomfortzone A social media friend of mine, whom I have communicated withover the years, but never met because he lives in Africa, messaged me on Facebook about needing some inspirational quotes last night. I decided I would write this full blog post instead because a quote is often NOT ENOUGH.
--- MaDu, listen Bro... IF you're discouraged, here are a few things to do: 1.) Understand that whatever you are going through is TEMPORARY. It is not forever! As the song goes, "I'm so glad TROUBLE DON'T LAST ALWAYS!" Once you accept the fact that THIS TOO SHALL PASS, you'll feel so much better about everything. 2.) THEN, You have to line up mentally with the desire you're wanting. Meaning, you can't be hypocritical about the change or progress you desire. You can't say to your mind, "I want to lose weight," and when your mind replies back to you, "Ok. Stop eating so much of the wrong things and workout 3 times a week," but you don't. You're out of line with the what you're saying you desire. So, basically DO YOUR PART! 3.) FOCUS on the SOLUTIONS and not the problems. When you know the methodology of solving a problem, you understand that the solution is gained by following the process. Which brings me to the next step... 4.) APPRECIATE the PROCESS! The Bible says, "In ALL things, give thanks! There's no progress without the process. The process can be your ENEMY or it can be your FRIEND. For example: When you submit to the PROCESS of solving a math problem, you get the answer or a very near correct answer. Guess what, life is the same way. Not all your problems in life are going to be basic math. Some of your problems are going to be like Algebra, Geometry, Calculus, Trigonometry, Statistics or those Corporate Finance case studies. Either way, SUBMIT yourself accordingly to the PROCESS and you will PROGRESS faster to your SUCCESS! 5.) Learn from your mistakes and your SUCCESSES. Know that no matter how much people may front like they were born gifted, few people in the world are actually born gifted in any area. Most people (99%) never get it right the first time! Therefore, understand that you probably won't either, and that's okay. Just keep learning. 6.) DON'T QUIT and Be Patient! There are two types of people in life, SUCCESSFUL people and those who quit! Life can be like the long line at the Post Office. Sometimes when you go to the post office and there's a long line outside the door you have two choices, stand in line or leave. If you leave the line, you'll have to come back later if you want to make sure your purpose for coming there is fulfilled. "If you can stay in line long enough, eventually you'll get to the front of the line!" 7.) STAY POSITIVE! It's hard to attract anything positive with a negative mindset and negative surroundings. STAY POSITIVE or FAIL! How do you stay positive? Well, I'll tell you more on that next week in another blog. I hope this helps you Bro! Armani Valentino ### For more info or to book me for a transformational coaching session, radio, TV, media, or business consulting, please email here on my site You can also call 972-383-9234. So, in case you haven't heard, the Texas House of Representatives Criminal Jurisprudence Committee approved a bill that would make marijuana legal in the state of Texas, for adults. Does it really come as a surprise?
While it's more positive than it is negative, for multiple reasons, just as in other states that I have seen this happen thus far, my only question becomes, "WILL THEY RELEASE THE MEN & WOMEN CURRENTLY LOCKED UP ON MARIJUANA CHARGES?" Personally, I think they should be released. If anyone knows how to sell and distribute the best grade of marijuana are the individuals, many of which are incarcerated for what was once prohibited nationwide. Many individuals should be given the opportunity to be released and create job opportunities for others, and recognized as legitimate business owners. Just my thoughts... Anyway, here is a brief article I found online by KSAT staff. --- AUSTIN, TX - The Texas House of Representatives Criminal Jurisprudence Committee approved a bill 5-1 Wednesday that would end marijuana prohibition in the state. HB 2165, introduced in March by Rep. David Simpson (R-Longview), would strike references to marijuana offenses from Texas statutes, resulting in marijuana being treated similarly to other legal crops. Nearly three out of five Texas voters (58%) support making marijuana legal for adults and regulating it like alcohol, according to a statewide survey conducted by Public Policy Polling in September 2013. Four states have adopted laws that regulate and tax marijuana similarly to alcohol. Two of them, Colorado and Washington, have established regulated systems of marijuana cultivation and sales. Alaska and Oregon are in the process of implementing similar systems. Statement from Heather Fazio, Texas Political Director for the Marijuana Policy Project: “Marijuana prohibition’s days are numbered in the Lone Star State. Texas voters recognize that punishing adults for consuming a substance that is safer than alcohol is a waste of law enforcement resources and an affront to individual liberty. It appears most of the committee members agree. “State officials are increasingly becoming fed up with the failed federal government policy of marijuana prohibition, and they’re taking action. Like most Americans, most Texans are ready for a more sensible, fiscally sound COPYRIGHT 2015 BY KSAT - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. "ALL People have problems! Period.
It's the way they handle them that makes the difference." - Armani Valentino When I was younger, I used to think there were people who didn't have any issues or problems because of some sort of socioeconomic, race, religious, physical appearance, neighborhood location, affiliations, or other status. I soon figured out this was not a correct thought. Life is a problem. Actually, it's a series of problems or as I like to call them, challenges! And when you quit on a problem and/or dint learn how to handle it properly, the same problem(s) will continue to be presented to you throughout your life. In mathematics, EVERY PROBLEM HAS A SOLUTION! And the more difficult the problem, there's often more than one methodology of solving the same problem. Life is the same way. The problems we have in all areas of our life have solutions! However, we're often so engrossed in the problem that we can't see OR focus on the solution. And when this happens, we can often lose HOPE. Without HOPE, it's hard to believe and to continue to be open to the mere FACT that there is a viable SOLUTION to the problem(s). I'd like to give you a few ideas to help you with some problems and challenges you may be facing. 1.) Be POSITIVE! This is important because POSITIVE and negative do not ever produce a 100% positive outcome. 2.) Do YOUR PART! We're often perpetuating the very problem we're saying we want solved through our thoughts, words, and actions we display on a regular basis. 3.) ASK FOR HELP! Let GO OF YOUR EGO! Get help even if you have to pay for it! When you don't know, it's okay. When you've gotten it wrong over and over again, you may want to ask someone to show you how to solve the problem. One of the benefits of wiring in groups in High School and College was always the use of other folks mind or a COLLECTIVE MIND greater than all of our own individual minds, to solve the problem. Life is the same way. Get a coach or mentor(s) to help you get things in order. 4.) Count YOUR blessings, and not someone else's. In our society today, there is still a desire to compare ourselves to others, on a daily basis. While this can be good in certain circumstances, as a way of deciding how blessed you are is not an adequate account of the true level of just how BLESSED you are. Count your blessings and appreciate the blessings you carry with you every single day --- eyes, eyesight, skin, nails, hair, teeth, being able to breathe, sense of taste, touch, walk, talk, sense of smell, use of your legs, arms, toes, joints, digestive system, healthy cells in your body, and so much more. In conclusion, Don't focus on the problem, focus on the solution! #staypositive #dosomething #productive use your #faith and #imagination #success will be yours! Get a good #lifecoach or two #treatyourself #be #beautiful inside and out. --- #ArmaniValentino #lookgood #smellgood #feelgood #eatgood #love #joy #peace #health #wealth #happiness #true #success #claimtheincrease #seeyouatthetop #iallowmygood #iEmbraceTheUnknown Available for transformational life coaching sessions by calling or texting 972-383-9234 Autographed copies of My books are available on this site in the STORE or wherever books are sold. buy books STORE Are YOU feeling STUCK? Earlier this week, I received a long text message from a recent coaching client. She was struggling with feeling STUCK in multiple areas of her life, for a while. Like many of us at certain times in life, issues with family, friends, self sabotage, lack of a burning desire concerning personal goals and aspirations in life, overall balance, anger, and clarity of direction about her personal path, were weighing her down. She told me she was interested in signing up for someone else's coaching program, and then asked me did I do coaching. She attended an event I spoke at, and had purchased a couple of my books (This Is Why I Won't Marry You & How To Heal from a Broken Heart). I told her I did do personal life coaching, but I don't promote it that often. I then let her know the kind of coaching I did was considered TRANSFORMATIONAL COACHING, and that I would not accept her money unless she was willing to follow whatever tasks I asked of her. Why? The processes and methodologies I use are a little unorthodox to the average individual. She agreed, paid her fees, and we met the next evening. Here is the text message she recently sent me (7 days after our first session): Hi Mr. Valentino! I know it's late. However, I have to give u this.....So many amazing things have been taking place in this week since our session. I also began reading your book about broken hearts. Well, this week I have had deep conversations with like 4 of my exes(healing). They called me out the blue. Then, on the snow days I played with my brother and dad(reconciliation). Lol... Now, tonight I took some me time and went to bingo and my sister came towards the end. When I saw her, I thought about the baby, but I pushed it out my mind and was like it's the past and leave it there(forgiveness). Somebody walked by and said, "Jackpot Bingo!" I thought back to you saying, "CLAIM the INCREASE!" Well....I did and bingo'd for $750!!!! #blessedwithfavor --- A. Dixon, Texas WOW! CAN YOU SAY BREAKTHROUGHS??? All of what was mentioned in the text message is a small piece of all the amazing manifestations that have happened in her life in just 2 weeks. Transformational coaching has the ability to move you past issues you have been dealing with for years and help you break through to the manifestations you've been desiring. So, far, each time her anger was tested she has been able to pass the test. This shows growth and proves the inputs during our coaching session have been paying off in huge dividends on multiple fronts. All successful people have a coach OR coaches, of some kind. The question is, DO you? If you have been struggling to achieve balance in your life OR may be feeling STUCK, call to set up your transformational coaching session(s) in the areas of forgiveness, weight loss, relationships, and small business/marketing. 972-781-8404. Sessions can be face-to-face or by phone. |
AuthorBest-selling author Armani Valentino. Archives
February 2024