Relationship Advice of the Day: One of the quickest ways to start looking old, gain unhealthy amounts of weight, and develop high blood pressure and other issues...
STAY IN AN UNHEALTHY RELATIONSHIP, of any kind! Relationships bring you into close proximity with people. Energy is contagious, and therefore, negative mindsets, thought processes, and habits are as well. There is nothing worse than being IN a relationship but still being alone and feeling unloved by the individual(s) with whom you're involved. This causes depression, self-esteem issues, and often feelings of not being good enough. These thoughts have to be expressed outwardly, and often show up in the form of worry, sadness, and broken-heartedness. All of which show up in multiple forms of DIS-ease. Your overall health is most important. So, make the needed adjustments that create a healthy relationship, and be committed to learning the tools needed to be the best version of yourself in a relationship(s). Depression, and lack of love primarily expressed through the lack physical touch and words of affirmation, are closely related. So, when you're in a relationship where you are not included and not affirmed, unless that relationship grows, the both of you will continue to slowly kill one another's goals, dreams, and desires. And what is life without faith, love, & hope that your goals, dreams, and desires are not only possible but probable? Until next time... #healthiswealth #relationshipadviceoftheday #dontletnobodykillyourdreams
Advice of the DAY: BE POSITIVE and COUNT YOUR BLESSINGS! Often, when things are not going the way we would like, it can be easy to get discouraged, become negative, and feel like a failure. While this may be the normal thing to do, it actually negatively effects the progress we desire.
One thing I often hear from people is complaints about their JOB, SPOUSE, CAR/HOUSE PAYMENT, etc.! If it's a friend, I remind them, "REMEMBER WHEN YOU DIDN'T HAVE A JOB? Or when you were wanting a spouse? Or when you were walking/on the bus?" It's important to remember to APPRECIATE where you aren't in your life and to TRUST GOD'S PLAN. At the end of last year when things got a little heavy on me financially, because things didn't pan out the way I thought they would, due to my indecision and not enforcing the rental agreements, I started complaining and wanted to give up and sell everything I'd worked for in 2017. A few friends of mine talked to me and came by the house to encourage me. However, because I was in such a negative state of mind and COMPLAINING about what I had asked for not working out the way I thought it should, I couldn't see any other solution. I was now in a state of WOE IS ME! It was not until I had a conversation with someone who told me very specifically, "So because one thing didn't work out, you're just going to sell everything? All of it? You put a lot of work into those houses, Armani! Building wealth is important to you. You sure you want to just sell them all?" Sometimes, when you're in a negative space, YOU HAVE TO BE REMINDED of your original FOCUS and GOALS. What were my original goals? (1.) Transform my community/block and make it safe place to live (2.)Put good tenants in the houses who wanted to help create a sense of community (3.) Create long-term passive residual income through a solid investment vehicle in the event something were to happen. (4.) Create some income/jobs/skills for others in the community who may not otherwise be employable. (5.) Be an example of good to others who may want to do the same. Why must YOU and I be reminded of our GOALS/DREAMS??? Because there was a time when what you have NOW was just an idea, desire, wish, or a dream. And because times will get tough and you will feel as if you aren't going to accomplish it. It's called doubt and it's a trick of that part of your MIND that doesn't like you. So, instead of complaining and submitting to the negative thoughts, BE THANKFUL and know that you're blessed beyond measure, so count your blessings. WRITE THEM DOWN SO YOU CAN SEE THEM! Whatever you're going through it'll help you GROW through and get through it easier and quicker thank complaining will ever do. Until next time... #staypositive #keepthefaith #claimtheincrease #seeyouatthetop #dontletnobodykillyourdreams If you found benefit in this blog, #share it with someone else. Thank you! You can also visit my online store for products/services. Ladies, have you ever said to yourself, I Know My Worth? Most women do this at some point in life. However, do you know the difference between worth and value?
If you have ever found yourself saying "I KNOW MY WORTH," understand the following please: WORTH and VALUE are two different things. Worth is determined by YOU. VALUE is determined by the marketplace or what the market can afford. In a buyer's market, the buyer has more leverage on determining the actual value versus the perceived value. In a seller's market the seller has more leverage in determining value. As a single black man in America, I have to say it, IT'S still a buyer's market. Many women have WORTH mixed up with VALUE. I understand what you feel about your worth my sister, but let's take a closer look at why your VALUATION in the marketplace is not coming up near your personal listing price that you say you're WORTH. I'll use real estate to further paint my picture. 1.) Number of owners/renters/partners (1 or 2 owner home or has it been a rental with multiple short-term leases). I think this is self-explanatory! 2.) Appearance - Have there been any updates? Well maintained? Does it look livable and appealing? Also, is the outer appearance congruent with the inner workings of the home (heart & mind). Is the home in good structural health? Foundation? Electric? Plumbing? 3.) How long has the home (You) been available on the market? The question gets asked because someone is thinking, 'why is this lovely woman/home still on the market?' 4.) Number of utilities & expenses? As a landlord, one of the main questions I get is, "What are all the bills I have to pay; lights, water, gas, trash, sewer, lawn service, etc.?" It's the same way when it comes to a man who is looking for a mate. What all am I going to have to pay for and deal with in order to maintain this relationship? Is it in my budget? Number of Children, car notes, phone bills, etc. 5.) Location or community. This equates to the other nuances that come along with a community or individual. When entering into a relationship both parties bring with them, their past experiences, problems, mental and physical insecurities, health, family, friends, habits, etc. Many times, until you actually move in the neighborhood and stay for a little while, you don't know the real potential issues, of all kinds, that you may have to deal with. Location and community are both determining factors in the valuation of the property; whether it's for sale or rent. It's the same when it comes to relationships. 6.) What do you offer that's not readily available elsewhere? There are many intangibles within certain homes that must be communicated in order for the ready and available buyers/(men) in the marketplace to put in real offers, and are in a position to move forward. Otherwise, the home will stay on the market. Not only will a potential buyer not see your true value, but he won't even be able to know your worth! To sum it all up, know that while YOU may know your WORTH, until some changes and adjustments are made, if you're wanting a certain kind of renter or buyer, you're going to have to increase your VALUE in the marketplace, and be able to somehow communicate why YOU! And in order to do this you may have to have a few showings and open houses, then accept some applications. 😊😘 Until next time! Figure out your value in the marketplace, instead of shouting "I KNOW MY WORTH!" Because even if you do, as a man, I don't. And therefore, can only offer what I have or what comparable homes in the marketplace are on the marketplace for at the same time. #claimtheincrease #seeyouatthetop #dontletnobodykillyourdreams #staypositive #keepthefaith PS - One of my most important books, This Is Why I Won't Marry You deals in detail, the top reasons why men and women choose NOT to marry certain individuals. It's some of my best work and took 5.5 years to compile. You can purchase it here! Relationship Advice of the Day: People can't give you what they don't have. So, don't take it personal when you love someone and they don't reciprocate. The more and more I live, travel, speak, and coach different individuals, couples, small business owners, etc., I realize a lot of people have not experienced real unselfish and unconditional love from the opposite sex. Therefore, while they want unconditional love from others, they give conditional love. As much as we would like to think everyone knows how to reciprocate love, this is not true. And those who do know how to do so, many times there has been so much hurt on top of hurt from each time they trusted their heart with someone else, that their subconscious mind sends them into fight or flight mode. Meaning, they will either run from love or find a reason to be mean and ugly toward the other person who is trying to love them, unconditionally. This is usually recognizable by the person shooting down or minimizing kind things that are done for them or said to them. For example, you'll say something good to them and in turn, they'll say something in return to diminish the compliment that you gave. Sometimes, in real bad cases of hurt, shame, and bitterness, they will feel uncomfortable for you saying something good about them, especially if you're complimenting them in an area where they may have been criticized for many years. They are insecure in that area of their life and it will show. It is natural to say good things to someone, especially if you love and care about them. This is the reason most children will hug and kiss you every single day of their life until and unless someone else tells them otherwise. It is the natural thing to do. However, when an individual starts to receive the opposite of good, clean, powerful, and positive words from others, while it may hurt a little in the beginning stages, unless someone comes along and reminds this person of who they truly are (a physical manifestation of LOVE) as soon as possible, they will believe the lies that they are anything other than wonderful and those words begin to hurt a whole lot. If you hear every single day --- you are ugly, your nose is big, your momma/daddy ain't nothing and they don't love you, you're fat, you, you're poor, you're never going to be anything in life, you can't do math or read because your slow, or whatever else you hear about yourself from others --- you're going to start to believe the words and those words are going to subconsciously become the norm for your life. Sadly, no matter where you go or where you end up in life, until you overcome this, the words from those individuals is going to shape your self image, self-esteem, and self-worth. Well, it is the same way with love and relationships. So, you will attract whatever you're used to because it is the norm. Until real inner development begins to takes place, you're going to continue to attract the kind of situations that will reflect your low self-esteem, insecurities, and over self worth. Not so much that it's what you want, but because it's the level you are used to or what the individuals around you are used to (friends, family, etc.). And both of these are usually predicated on your self-image, surroundings, and your ability to GIVE and RECEIVE love. A man/woman who desires a healthy relationship MUST understand that HEALTHY relationships are predicated on a healthy self-image, healthy and regular communication, respect, forgiveness, and the ability to love unconditionally. You will have a very hard time ever having a healthy relationship without either of these at the foundation of the relationship. No matter how good the sex is or how much money either of you have, without these things at the core of the daily interaction, you'll end up hurting yourself and/or the other person even more from the relationship as opposed to helping. Until you're healed, you bleed on everyone you try and love! If you have HEALED from the hurt (or you're pretty close) and pain from your past, you will know it because the desire to give and receive unconditional love will be present. Plus, the inclination to be vulnerable will be present, and it will cause you to feel some type of way because you won't be able to explain it. Water seeks it's own level; Love does as well. Therefore, if you want a better man, become a better woman. If you want a better woman become a better man. If you're currently in a relationship, and want it to be better, try your best to bring your best self to the relationship, daily. And when you do this, it will become a habit and therefore force the relationship to improve! You can't give a half-hearted effort and expect for anything to actually work, especially not a relationship. After knowledge of your issues, don't use them as an excuse to not LOVE at the highest level. Doing so means you're now allowing your past to control your present, and as long as you do that you'll never experience the love you truly desire. While love is not contingent on reciprocity, when two people are "IN LOVE" it is rooted in reciprocity, a universal law. It feels natural and easy! In conclusion, Remember.... "People can't give what they don't have! So don't get upset when you love and care for someone who has no love to reciprocate. By the time you meet most good hearted people nowadays, they've had the love misused and abused out of them for so long that your genuine love and concern will seem like manipulation, and ultimately... too much like right." #ArmaniValentino Until next time... --- Check out my latest blog at #noego #nocomfortzone #iallowmygood #iembracetheunknown #1 Bestseller, International Besteller - The Love Triangle: How to Heal from a Broken Heart (Hurt, Shame, Bitterness, & Betrayal)It is my intent to help you heal from a "broken heart." A broken heart can be devastating. It can cause one to lose the desire to live. It can also cause lack of ambition, loss of or increase in appetite, and numerous other destructive behaviors. Hopefully, the words that are on the pages in this book will be just the guide that you are looking for to help you heal from your broken heart. This book was actually supposed to be out before now, but I was distracted once I started writing and producing my first play. However, for my own life, the completing of this book was right on time. Why do I say that? While much of the book was written on experiences from the distant past, after going back to complete the book, my more recent broken heart was actually healed from this process once again. So, does it work? I would have to say, Yes! No matter how dark things may seem in your life, things will turn for the better if you change the focus. Learn from all and appreciate all that you have experienced in your life. Life Advice of the Day DON'T MISS ANOTHER SEASON! Contrary to popular belief, you can miss a blessing. You often hear people preach and teach that what God has for you is for you. While this may be true, whether or not we are in a position to accept and receive our blessing will usually determine IF we get what God has for us. Believe it or not, someone else can get your blessing! When there is a space that needs to be filled, it must be filled. This is the reason Bishop Jakes would always say the words, "Get Ready! Get Ready! Get Ready!" Why? You must prepare yourself to receive what you've been asking God to give you. However, even when we may be ready, sometimes we can miss our season or our blessing because we chose not to receive it when it showed up or we got impatient and chose something else that wasn't ours. Don't get caught doing things out of season. In Miracle Hendrix's book #TakeALoss2Win, he mentioned how he took matters into his own hands and didn't wait on God and made a decision that would alter his life. Had he waited only 3 more days, he wouldn't have lost valuable time that he can never get back. The same with all of us who have lived life long enough to know that if we had the opportunity to know what we know now 10 years ago, there are some things we would have done differently. God has all kinds of blessings waiting on us, but he will not violate our FREE WILL. He gives us that gift for us to use how we see fit. The freedom to choose. While he may try to guide us, during certain seasons of our lives we have ignored the loud and clear signs that were given on which route to take. While all things work together for the good, the choices we make determine the life we live. If the past decisions you have made have not turned out well, it's time to start making better decisions. Otherwise, you'll miss another season. And if you're anything like me, you can't afford to miss any more seasons! One sure way to make sure this doesn't happen is to learn to make better decisions. The better you get at making better decisions, the better decisions you make. Take advantage of the season that you're in. Some people are not going to like the fact that you are trying to make better decisions, but in order for life to get better and for you not to miss anymore seasons, you have to get better. Until next time, I love you all, but The MOST HIGH GOD loves yo more! Armani Valentino --- #staypositive #keepthefaith #noego #nocomfortzone Relationship Advice of the Day : YOUR PASTOR IS NOT YOUR MANRelationship Advice of the Day: YOUR PASTOR IS NOT YOUR MAN! It's hard to respect a woman who'll support her pastor's goals, dreams, and vision, but won't support her husband's or fiancé's (husband to be) goals, dreams, aspirations and/or vision. Your pastor should never come before your man.
Sadly, over the years, I've learned that a lot of women are SECRETLY IN LOVE with their pastor. Why? Because they LISTEN to him, but don't listen to their man. They sit their, ACTIVELY LISTENING and are taught for a few hours a week by the pastor. Imagine if you did the same for your man? A man is supposed to GUIDE & GOVERN you, but he can't do that if you don't listen to him. Truth be told many women don't listen to their man for multiple hours each week. They trust what the pastor is saying is TRUE because they keep hearing him out, fully explain himself with no interruption, week after week! Many churches have a much larger attendance/membership of women than men. The women give money to fund the pastor's vision, but often speak negatively or down talk their own husband or another man who is supporting them the best way they know how. This is why it's difficult for most men to see their woman go to church, listen to another man excite their woman have them crying and shouting in the aisles, and then get home and talk/act about as cold, ungodly, and mean as they can to the same man they made a commitment to love, honor, respect and support. It's very confusing and often turns men off from attending church with their wife, fiancé, or girlfriend for any other reason than to keep the peace. Everything you're helping your pastor build will not be passed on to you or your children, unless your pastor is also your husband NOT THE HUSBAND IN YOUR MIND, but your actual husband). Commitment to your HUSBAND or husband-to-be & his vision should be first. Church IS NOT God, and neither is your pastor! Your husband is to be Lord over you and the household, EVEN IF he be not a believer. Imagine if healthy marriages were totally encouraged in churches where the women far outweighed the men? If this was taught, most churches would instantly double in size because men could come to church knowing that the pastor was teaching the woman and man their proper roles to be successful in the first ministry, marriage. Plus, the single men would be more inclined to marry because they would see the benefits of it. --- be sure to check out my book #THISISWHYIWONTMARRYU "Impatience will rob you of everything that patience will give you!"
Business is Warfare, and one of the most important keys to business is PATIENCE! If you don't have patience, business will not be friendly to you. You will get frustrated, lose clients, and ultimately lose money. People want to do business with individuals who will be patient with them, help solve their problems, and/or deliver products/service according to plan. However, this is not always the case. As a matter of fact, in life, things do not always go according to plan. When you are not able to deliver or something isn't delivered on time, try not to get too frustrated. It will throw you off your game! This is where and why PATIENCE comes in. The older I've become and more experienced I've become, I understand why the old folks used to say, "Patience is a Virtue!" Because without PATIENCE, none of us can ever be successful in life or in business! Until next time... #staypositive #keepthefaith #claimtheincrease #seeyouatthetop Be sure to get your copy of Business Is Warfare: The Mental Game - How to Survive the First 5 Years of Business Do the work, and do it the BEST you can. Do it in and with the "Spirit of Excellence" and I promise you...the money will find you! You won't even have to go looking for the money or go chasing it. You will have people trying to search you out for your services.
Most small business owners are often concerned with GETTING THE MONEY! And while the money is important, it is not nearly as important as creating a good name for finishing the projects and delivering according to what you said you would do. ALL small business owners, myself included, at some point have been a little over zealous and made rookie mistakes (usually happen because you have no mentor/coach) that caused them to "OVER PROMISE & UNDER DELIVER." Too many of these rookie mistakes will totally ruin your name and your business. You can only TALK about what you're going to do for so long before you end up having to PRODUCE some results for a client(s) or customer(s). Otherwise, your credibility goes out the window. You have to DEVELOP your name as a trusted and reliable source. And well... this takes some time and some planning before your product(s) or service(s) being sought after begins to happen. However, as long as you focus on serving and servicing a client(s) and/or a customer(s) in the BEST possible manner in which you can, you will be amazed at the kind of calls, emails, and inquiries that you will receive. In conclusion, DO THE WORK and DO THE BEST YOU CAN EACH TIME! If you have not ordered your copy of #BusinessIsWarfare CD or digital download set, and you are not making the kind of money you would like to make in business, I strongly encourage you to click the picture below. Small Business Advice of the Day: STOP GUESSING! It is okay if you don't know. However, if you're trying to be profitable in business, GUESSING IS NOT THE WAY! Every single time I have lost money in business or had a business to FAIL, it was because I was guessing. The same goes for every other client I know as well. Many small business owners strategy for success is to GUESS. That's why 80-90% are not successful, at all! You can't guess your way to business success. Guessing is NOT a viable business plan. When you don't know, you either pay someone to tell/show you, or you figure it out! Again, most never pay nor do they figure it out! I learned that the time it takes to figure something out could be used making more money, by just paying someone who knows whatever it is I am trying to figure out. If you're trying to have a profitable business, you have to have a strategic marketing plan. There's a Universal law that states, "Like CAUSES produce like EFFECTS!" What this means is, if you make 1 dollar doing something, if you do the same thing a certain number of times, you should be able to to produce a dollar, all things being equal. Otherwise, you would have to be a good guesser to guess upon a viable INCOME over and over again. And, honestly, every successful business owner I know would not credit "guessing" as part of their business strategy. This is the purpose of research and development in many major corporations. They would rather use hundreds and thousands of dollars on Research and Development as opposed to losing millions of dollars launching a product or service that public doesn't want. This is also the purpose of training, accounting departments, and almost every other department in a major corporation. They are all part of the SUCCESS PLAN. Startups and small businesses don't go from one or two person operations to large 400-500 person corporations solely because they had money or investors. The most successful companies have GOALS, OBJECTIVES, and proven STRATEGIES to reach these goals and objectives. Once they know what works, they implement these strategies over and over again! Many times it's not what you know, it's the one or two things that YOU DON'T KNOW that causes success and/or failure of your small business. Do you have a professionally written marketing plan? Do you have a professionally written business plan? Do you have an exit strategy? Do you have a service marketing plan? Until next time... #staypositive #keepthefaith #claimtheincrease #seeyouathetop Fill out the form below if you would like to increase your income. Afterwards, feel to reach out to me for a small business strategy & marketing SUCCESS session. 972-781-8404 Ladies, single/Dating/Unmarried as promised. Here's the video. Don't Waste Your BEST years! #ArmaniValentino --- #books #relationshipadvice #single #dating #divorced #engaged --- #like #share #repost somebody needs to hear this... CLICK ON THE LINK TO WATCH THE VIDEO... ON FACEBOOK BOTH OF THE BOOKS MENTIONED IN THE VIDEO are currently on sale!
AuthorBest-selling author Armani Valentino. Archives
February 2024